DecoForme has environmental responsibility at is core with its E-Zero MDF substrate holding Global Green Tag Level-A Environmental accreditation, Responsible Wood (RW/1-10-1) and PEFC Chain of Custody Certifications.
The E-Zero classification requires that our E-Zero MDF substrate has a Formaldehyde Emission Limit of less than or equal to 0.5 mg/l.

Green Tag Certified. Chain of Custody (CoC) is the process of tracking wood and forest products originating in certified forests through all phases of ownership, transportation and manufacturing from defined forest acres to the final product and delivery to the end consumer. The manufacturer of DecoForme’s E-Zero MDF is Chain of Custody (CoC) certified with the E-Zero MR MDF achieving GreenTag GreenRate Level A certification (Licence No. BOR:CW01:2018:GR certification).

Responsible Wood - RW/1-10-1 is the leading management standard of the Responsible Wood Certification Scheme. The Responsible Wood Certification Scheme also includes a Chain of Custody Standard – AS 4707, to track forest and wood products through supply chain. These Australian Standards are internationally recognised through the endorsement and mutual recognition of PEFC.

The Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification schemes (PEFC) was launched in 1999. PEFC is a framework for the mutual recognition of credible national or regional forest Certification schemes which have been developed to meet internationally recognised requirements for sustainable forest management. Over 209 million hectares of forests are currently Certified under the PEFC, which is the world’s largest forest Certification scheme.